
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Struct in c#

1>Struct is just like a class but its is light weight and faster.
2>Within struct  declaration , fields can not be intialize but we can declare in anotherway like ussing "const","static" and readonly.
3>Default constructor or destructor not allowed in the class.
4>All the struct are inherited from directly from "system.valuetype" ,which is inherited from "system.object".
5>we can not inherit struct from other struct.
6>:Bydefult it is sealed (valu type faster that ref type).


Parameterized consructor not allowed in structu(but some case allowed like when we pass the value to in construct in main object at the time object creation)

Q).Q:When we declare a struct in PG?

ans :Better to declare a struct when the total size of all fields is less tha 16 Byte(not a rule but faster speed)

Sample code1:

public partial class Struct : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        I i = new I(30, 40);//this value only for consrructor
        H h = new H(20, 30);
        Response.Write(i.x + "<br/>" + i.y + "<br/>");
        Response.Write(h.x + "<br/>" + h.y + "<br/>");
public struct H
    public int x;
    public int y;
    public H(int x, int y) // defination's rule no parameterize construcutor but we r pass the the value for this in object create time(30,40)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
public class I
    public int x;
    public int y;
    public I(int x,int y)



Sample code2:

//public struct A
//    public int x;//alloewd
//    public string y = "palle";// not allowed
//    public bool b = true;//not allowed
//    public int m(int a, int b)//allowed
//    {
//        return a + b;
//    }
//public struct B

//    public const int x = 10;//allowed
//    public static int y = 20;//allowed
//    public readonly int z = 40;//allowed
//    public B() //Not allowed(bec parameteried constructor)
//    {

//    }

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